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Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

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Home   /   Maine Bar Associations   /   Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Established in 1992, the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (MACDL) serves the Maine attorneys practicing criminal defense law. Since Maine does not maintain public defender positions, all criminal defense lawyers in the state are from the private sector. The Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is committed to promoting excellence in the practice of criminal defense law in Maine, furthering the administration of justice, encouraging interaction and collegiality among its members, protecting the rights of criminal defendants, and educating individuals about the criminal defense legal practice area. Membership with the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is open to both attorneys and law students, but all lawyer members must actually practice criminal defense law.

MACDL strives to provide a wide range of benefits to its members. The Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers enables its members to share their motions and briefs with one another through MACDL’s online document bank. Attorneys belonging to the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers are given an opportunity to network with one another and become informed of the latest changes and developments in the criminal defense field at the two-day seminar that MACDL hosts every June.

Contact the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers:

Freeport, ME 04032

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