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Find a Lawyer Now!Established in 1985, the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Lansing is a bar association that covers the portion of Michigan that falls within the jurisdiction of the Catholic Diocese of Lansing. The primary focuses of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Lansing are to promote fellowship and spiritual growth among Catholic lawyers and law students living and working in the Catholic Diocese of Lansing and to promote greater harmony between divine law and secular law. As one of the concerns of the association is to encourage the spiritual growth of its members, membership for the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Lansing is almost exclusively limited to lawyers and law students that are members of the Catholic faith.
The Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Lansing is very active in promoting the growth of fellowship and faith among its members. Every fall, the organization sponsors a retreat for its members, so that its members can reflect together on their faith and how their faith interacts with their professional lives. Additionally, the organization sponsor’s the Diocese of Lansing’s annual Red Mass, where the Diocese of Lansing invokes the guidance and blessing of the Holy Spirit upon the courts of Michigan.
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Grand Ledge MI 48837