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Find a Lawyer Now!The Genesee County Bar Association (GCBA) was created in 1897 by a group of local attorneys led by George H. Durand, a local attorney and community leader. Originally, the purposes of the Genesee County Bar Association were to improve the overall administration of justice and to promote social interaction between the members of the legal profession. Now, the focus of the organization has shifted to educating the public about the law and the role of lawyers, improve the judicial system, and serve the professional needs of the attorneys that belong to the Genesee County Bar Association.
There are many ways in which the members of the Genesee County Bar Association serve the residents of Genesee County. One of the most prominent ways that they reach out into the community is through the Genesee County Bar Association’s ‘Ask the Lawyer’ speaker series, in which members of the surrounding community can come to a designated event hosted by the bar association and ask the speaking attorney legal questions that are related to the topic of the evening. Another way that the members of the Genesee County Bar Association are able to serve their local community is by speaking at local high schools through the Teens & The Law program.
315 E. Court St.
Flint, MI 48502-1611