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Find a Lawyer Now!Though membership is technically open to any lawyer licensed in Michigan, the Italian American Bar Association of Michigan (IABAM) was created for lawyers of Italian descent that are practicing law in Michigan. To that end, the membership application does contain questions asking about the applicant’s Italian heritage. The application also inquires as to the applicant’s fluency in the Italian language.
The Italian American Bar Association is highly motivated to improve the Italian-American community in the state of Michigan. This includes improving the community’s public image, which is why one of the goals of the organizations it to actively object to any unjust vilification of Italians and Italian-Americans in the media and popular culture. The IABAM also improves the Italian-American community by hosting events for the local community at the Italian Cultural Center in Detroit where people can get pro bono legal advice from Italian American Bar Association members.
14 1st St
PO Box 46875
Mount Clemens, MI 48046