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Find a Lawyer Now!The formation of the Michigan Asian-Pacific American Bar Association (MAPABA) stems from the civil rights trials arising out of the hate-crime murder of Vincent Chin in Detroit. Many Asian-American lawyers in Michigan that were working pro bono for the American Citizens for Justice at the time of the murder and subsequent trials in the 1980s decided to form a bar association to promote the legal interests of the Asian-American community in Michigan. This goal continues to remain the central focus of the Michigan Asian-Pacific American Bar Association in the modern era.
Members of the Michigan Asian-Pacific American Bar Association are actively fighting for equality for Asian-Americans in Michigan through many different means. Several MAPABA members alert other members to issues that are important to the Asian-American legal community in Michigan by discussing these issues on the Michigan Asian-Pacific American Bar Association’s blog and Facebook page. The Michigan Asian-Pacific American Bar Association and its member also routinely participate in diversity events such as the Respect America Respect Michigan Candidate Pledge Press Conference.
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Suite 2500