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Rochester Bar Association

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Home   /   Michigan Bar Associations   /   Rochester Bar Association

In November of 1973, the Rochester Bar Association (RBA) was created in the city of Rochester in Michigan. Since membership is open to attorneys that live or work in Rochester, there are members that have offices located in other cities in the southeastern region of Michigan. In order to make locating a member easier, the members are categorized in the online directory by the city that their offices are located in.


‘The Rochester Bar Association offers several services to its members. Association members are granted free admittance to the speaker events put on by the association throughout the year, whereas nonmembers must pay a nominal fee to attend these events. Another benefits provided to RBA members is being listed in the Rochester Bar Association’s online directory, which is categorized not only by city, but also by practice area and the first letter of the members’ last names.

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