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Find a Lawyer Now!The Mid-Missouri Young Lawyers Association (Mid-Mo YLA) was formed to enhance the professional lives of mid-Missouri’s newest attorneys. The Mid-Mo YLA is focused on assisting the recently admitted attorneys of Missouri’s central region by connecting them with one another and with the community at large. Additionally, the Mid-Missouri Young Lawyers Association is committed to helping the local residents as well through various means, such as organizing 5k run fundraisers for local nonprofit organizations.
The Mid-Mo YLA strives to provide a number of benefits to its members. New members are given a chance to learn the ins and outs of the local courts by attending the Mid-Missouri Young Lawyers Association’s Courthouse Tour and New Lawyer Orientation. Attorneys belonging to the Mid-Mo YLA also enjoy frequent opportunities to meet and network with one another at the Mid-Missouri Young Lawyers Association’s numerous social outings, including happy hours and trips to performing arts events.
301 W. High St., P.O. Box 1557
Jefferson City, MO 65102