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Find a Lawyer Now!The Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (MACDL) exists for the benefit of the Missouri attorneys that work in the criminal defense practice area. Additionally, the MACDL commits itself to helping the residents of Missouri. The most noticeable way that the Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers aids Missouri residents is by operating a political action committee that is committed to ensuring that the rights of criminal defendants are protected in the state legislature.
Attorneys frequently join the MADCL for the perks that membership brings. The Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has a Lawyer Assistance Strike Force to provide assistance to members that need help in dealing with threats for things like being cited for contempt and disqualified from representation. Members of the MADCL that need to obtain continuing legal education credits can do so by attending the day-long educational seminar events that the Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers holds three times each year.
101 East High Street, Suite 200 P. O. Box 1543 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573-636-2822