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Mound City Bar Association

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Home   /   Missouri Bar Associations   /   Mound City Bar Association

Created in 1922, the Mound City Bar Association (MCBA) was founded to provide aid to the African-American lawyers working in and around St. Louis. MCBA’s primary goals are to be beneficial to the local community, assist in the professional development of its members, further the administration of justice, and encourage a high professional standard in the legal profession. Although the Mound City Bar Association is historically an African-American bar association, membership is open to all lawyers, regardless of race. Additionally, non-lawyers are permitted to join as associate members.

MCBA offers several benefits to its members to enhance their professional lives. Through its monthly newsletter, the Mound City Bar Association keeps its members abreast of the latest news affecting the African American legal community in St. Louis Members of MCBA are able to increase their legal knowledge by attending the numerous continuing legal education seminars that the Mound City Bar Association holds throughout the year.

There are various ways in which MCBA helps St. Louis’ African American residents. The Mound City Bar Association awards a number of scholarships to minority law students each year through its Scovel Richardson Scholarship program. Professionals within the African American community of St. Louis are given an opportunity to network with other African Americans that work in other industries at MCBA’s annual Black History Month Social.

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