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Find a Lawyer Now!Established in 1899, the North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA) is a voluntary bar organization dedicated to serving North Carolina’s legal profession as a whole. Since the NCBA is open to all licensed attorneys in North Carolina and does not specifically support only one practice area or minority group, it has several members and is the biggest voluntary professional organization in the state. Law students, paralegals, and attorneys living outside of North Carolina are also allowed to join, although they are not eligible for the same level of membership as lawyers that practice in the state.
The NCBA is constantly providing aid in various forms to the residents of North Carolina. Middle school and high school educators in North Carolina that are looking for a better understanding of the state constitution and the state judicial system in order to be more prepared to teach these topics to their students are given the opportunity to learn about both topics at the annual Justice Teaching Institute, the North Carolina Bar Association’s three-day program designed to expose teachers to different aspects of the state judicial system and legislative process. New start-up companies and entrepreneurs in North Carolina are able to obtain free legal help with transactional and business matters through the NCBA’s NC LEAP pro bono program.
There are several ways that the North Carolina Bar Association also helps its members. Lawyers that are members of the NCBA and are in need of a professional psychiatrist are able to get three free counseling sessions each year through the BarCARES program. Another way that attorneys belonging to the North Carolina Bar Association save money is by using the NC Fastcase Web Library that the NCBA makes available to its members for free.
Throughout the year, the North Carolina Bar Association hosts events for its members that further their professional development. Members of the NCBA are given the opportunity to fulfill their continuing legal education obligations by attending the many different educational seminars that the North Carolina Bar Association hosts at different locations throughout the state, including several that are offered as part of the annual conference. The legal practice sections of the NCBA also regularly have meetings at which members belonging to these sections are able to network with other attorneys that are interested in the same area of law as them.
Cary, NC 27519-3688