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Real Estate Lawyers Association of North Carolina

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Home   /   North Carolina Bar Associations   /   Real Estate Lawyers Association of North Carolina

Formed in 2010, the Real Estate Lawyers Association of North Carolina (RELANC) was established in response to the changes that were being made in real estate closing practices that were harmful to consumers engaged in those transactions. RELANC exists for the purposes of bringing together North Carolina’s real estate attorneys into a cohesive community, advancing the professional development of its members, and actively protecting the general rights of consumers in real estate transactions occurring in the state. In order to ensure that its members fully support its objectives, the Real Estate Lawyers Association of North Carolina only allows for attorneys in private practice and lawyers that work for title agencies to become members.

RELANC benefits its members in many different ways. Attorneys that belong to the Real Estate Lawyers Association of North Carolina have the opportunity to learn from well-known successful real estate lawyers from all over the country that are brought in to speak at the annual meeting. Members of RELANC seeking to become involved in its legislative efforts are given talking points for the pieces of legislation that the organization currently supports that they can use in order to effectively discuss these bills with state legislators.

Contact the Real Estate Lawyers Association of North Carolina:

1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102
Raleigh, NC 27607

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