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Find a Lawyer Now!The Manchester Bar Association was formed in 1935 and it offers attorneys in this city of approximately 110,000 people opportunities to network and develop professionally. This organization meets on the third Tuesday of every month for dinner to improve camaraderie among their members. The Manchester Bar Association also engages in community outreach efforts and honors attorneys that improve the legal profession.
The Manchester Bar Association hosts numerous social events including a golf tournament, dinners, and a holiday party. The Manchester Bar Association recognizes one member attorney annually by awarding a distinguished service award to an attorney who has been a leader in the community. The Manchester Bar Association also offers the Chester Eaton Scholarship every year to a local high school senior who willbe attending a four year university the following school year.
To join this organization you must contact the Manchester Bar Association to obtain a membership application.
Manchester Bar Association Tenn and Tenn, P.A. 16 High Street, Suite Three Manchester, New Hampshire 03101