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Find a Lawyer Now!The New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association (NHWBA) was formed in 1998 and their mission is to encourage female attorneys in New Hampshire to strive for success and provide them with the tools and support they need to succeed. The NHWBA is also very active with volunteer work and community outreach efforts. Other functions of the NHWBA include preserving the history of female attorneys in New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association achieves their mission by providing numerous social, professional development, and community outreach events to their members. A few of their professional development and social events include mentorship dinners, CLE’s, leadership seminars, wine tastings, holiday parties, and happy hours. The NHWBA’s community outreach efforts are extensive and include events such as the holiday food basket drive, breast cancer walk, and offering $5,000 scholarships to select University of New Hampshire law school students. The NHWBA also undertook a project to discover who the first 100 women admitted to the New Hampshire Bar were in an effort to recognize the women pioneers who paved the way for women attorneys.
Membership in the New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association is open to attorneys and law students that support the goals of NHWBA. To become a member you must fill out a membership application and pay an annual due, which ranges from $25 for newly admitted attorneys and law students to $105 for attorneys with 10 or more years of experience.
Manchester, NH 03105