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Find a Lawyer Now!Formed in 1978, the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association (NMHBA) focuses on supporting New Mexico’s Hispanic attorneys. The primary goals of the NMHBA are to promote the advancement of Hispanic Americans in the legal profession, encourage the legal education of Hispanic Americans, and further the professional development of its members. Only current law students and licensed attorneys may join the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association.
Members of the NMHBA receive a number of benefits. For example, recent law graduates belonging to the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association can apply for scholarships to help cover costs that these graduates incur while studying for the bar exam. Members of the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association are given a chance to meet and network with one another at the NMHBA’s annual meeting.
There are a variety of ways in which the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association also helps the Hispanic community of New Mexico. Junior high school students living in New Mexico have a chance to receive a glimpse into the legal profession by attending the NMHBA’s Summer Law Camp. The NMHBA works with New Mexico high schools to put on mock trial events in order to provide local high school students with an opportunity to experience the legal profession firsthand.
Albuquerque, NM 87199-2860