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Find a Lawyer Now!The first meeting of the Central New York Women’s Bar Association was held in 1977 because of a chance meeting on an airplane. The founder of this bar association sat next to another woman attorney who happened to be active in the Women’s Bar Association of New York and was encouraged by her to start a local chapter near her hometown. According to the bar association, it stated mission is to promote fairness in the law for all, regardless of sex; to advance the status of women through the law; to grow opportunities for women and to raise the level of capability and integrity in the legal profession.
The members of the Central New York Women’s Bar Association come from all walks of life and all levels in the legal field. The membership ranks include partners at prestigious law firms, first year associates and even law students. The bar association takes an active role in the judicial screening procedures followed in Central New York and also offers its members many opportunities to become involved with pro bono projects. The percentage of woman that are New York lawyers parallels that of the country as a whole at about thirty one percent.
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