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Find a Lawyer Now!With a membership base of over 3,800 legal professionals, the Bar Association of Erie County is the largest legal association in the state outside of New York City. This membership includes all walks of people in the legal field such as law students, judges and attorneys. The bar association likes each of its members to work to improve their community, the legal profession and the justice system.
The Bar Association of Erie County runs the Erie Institute of Law, an organization that is devoted to the continuing education of legal professionals in western New York. This program has been accredited by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board and provides Continuing Legal Education classes and seminars in both traditional and non-traditional settings. In addition, members of the Bar Association of Erie County who can demonstrate a financial hardship can often get tuition assistance to attend these CLE classes.
If any member of the community in western New York needs a lawyer, they can contact the Lawyer Referral Service run by the Bar Association of Erie County. This service has been in operation for over 50 years and can provide clients with attorney referrals for a fee of $20. This payment entitles to the client to a free 30-minute intial consultation with the referred attorney.
438 Main Street, Sixth Floor, Buffalo New York 14202
Tel: (716) 852-8687
Fax: (716) 852.7641