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Find a Lawyer Now!The Injured Workers Bar Association is a bar association in New York that is devoted entirely to attorneys that represent injured workers. A majority of the attorneys that are included in the membership ranks of the Injured Workers Bar Association practice exclusively in the area of Worker’s Compensation.
For an attorney to become a member of the Injured Workers Bar Association, he or she must be able to prove that at least 80% or more of their Worker’s Compensation cases consist of representing injured workers, and not insurance companies or employers. This is because the bar association only wants attorneys that are committed to representing and helping those who have been injured while on the job.
For the community, the Injured Workers Bar Association is a valuable resource. The bar association maintains an information section on their website that can allow injured workers to get some basic information regarding their case. In addition, the bar association also runs a lawyer referral service that the public often uses.
Injured Workers’ Bar Association
c/o Barbara Baum Levine, Esq.
5900 Arlington Avenue Apt 6J, Bronx, New York 10471
Tel: (718) 884-9675