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Find a Lawyer Now!The Nassau County Bar Association, with nearly 6,000 members on Long Island, is the largest suburban bar association in the entire nation. This association was founded in 1899 and is composed of members ranging from attorneys to law students. It is the stated goal of the Nassau County Bar Association to improve the quality of justice and the legal system in New York.
The Nassau Law Academy is the state-bar-accredited educational branch of the Nassau County Bar Association. This organization provides the members of the Nassau County Bar Association with many Continuing Legal Education classes and seminars and is one of the largest provides of these classes on Long Island. Members of the Nassau County Bar Association receive discounts on all CLE classes purchased through the Academy.
The Nassau County Bar Association is also responsible for the WE CARE Fund. This fund is part of the charitable branch of the bar association. Members of the bar association routinely raise money for this fund which is used to improve the quality of life for children and elderly living in Nassau County.
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