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Find a Lawyer Now!The Westchester County Bar Association was first established in February of 1896. In its more than 100 years of existence, the bar association has seen its membership ranks swell to more than 2,200 attorneys and other legal professionals. Its stated mission is to promote the system of justice, improve the accessibility of the legal system to the public, increase the standards by which attorneys practice, and promote a sense of community among its members.
Members of the Westchester County Bar Association receive the newsletter that is published by the bar association. In addition, the bar association is an accredited provider of Continuing Legal Education and even provides scholarships to its attorney members for these CLE classes.
The bar association also runs a Lawyer Referral Service that refers clients to pre-screened member attorneys. For a fee of $40, clients are referred to a lawyer that practices in the area of law their case deals with. This fee entitles the client to a free half-hour consultation meeting with the referred attorney. In addition, the bar association can also point clients in the right direction when they cannot afford legal representation.
One North Broadway, Suite 512, White Plains, NY 10601
Tel: (914) 761-3707
Fax: (914) 761-9402