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Find a Lawyer Now!The Fairfield County Bar Association has over 140 members and the mission of this bar association is to ensure the integrity of the legal profession is upheld, members of the public have access to the courts, and to provide a forum for local attorneys to network. The Fairfield County Bar Association accomplishes these goals by providing a full directory of law firms and lawyers in Fairfield County as well as providing CLE events for members. A unique feature offered by the Fairfield County Bar Association is their pro bono legal advice service offered on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Rising House located at 131 N. High Street, which allows the public to receive free legal advice from Fairfield County Bar Association member attorneys.
Membership in the Fairfield County Bar Association is open to attorneys and to become a member you must fill out a membership form. The Fairfield County Bar Association also has numerous committees, which interested members may join.