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National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations

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Home   /   Oregon Bar Associations   /   National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations

The National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations (NCWBA) was officially recognized by the American Bar Association in 1983. The association was created to support women lawyers who were often excluded from other associations at the time. Initially the organization was formed by bringing together all the women bar associations in each state to allow them to collaborate. Today, the NCWBA has a vision of creating equality for women within the legal profession.

For members, the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations provides resources for other women’s organizations within each state. Although the bar association is headquartered in Oregon it collaborates with other associations on a continuing basis. The NCWBA supports continuing legal education seminars, networking events, the formation of various committees, and pro bono opportunities.

Contact the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations

Portland, OR 97282
Phone: 503-775-4396
Email: info@ncwba.org

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