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Find a Lawyer Now!The Schuylkill County Bar Association (SCBA) is a community of lawyers, judges, paralegals, law students, and other legal professionals. It was created in order to provide a collegial environment for legal professionals where they could meet and discuss relevant legal issues. The SCBA has expanded its goals to serving the public and providing continuing legal education for its members.
To meet these goals the Schuylkill County Bar Association holds pro bono events for the public and provides several networking opportunities for its members. In order to assist legal professionals with their requirements for a continuing legal education, the organization provides seminars on a monthly basis. For example, there are events to address the juvenile court system, discovery practices in family law, how to advise the elderly in a crisis, and trial techniques.
Contact the Schuylkill County Bar Association
401 North Second Street
Pottsville, PA 17901