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Rhode Island Bar Association

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Home   /   Rhode Island Bar Associations   /   Rhode Island Bar Association

Serving Rhode Island’s entire legal community, the Rhode Island Bar Association (RIBA) is the state’s mandatory bar association. As the RIBA is a mandatory association, all attorneys that are licensed to practice in Rhode Island must join the Rhode Island Bar Association. Another aspect of the RIBA that makes it unique among the statewide bar associations in Rhode Island is that it exists for the benefit of all lawyers in Rhode Island, regardless of the area of law that they practice in or whether they are part of a minority group.

There are several ways that the Rhode Island Bar Association enhances its members’ careers. The RIBA has created the SOLACE program to help its members that are having problems in either their personal and professional lives, whether that problem is recovering from a natural disaster that impacted office space or severe health issues. Also, the Rhode Island Bar Association has arranged with a number of corporate partners to provide numerous perks and discounts to its members, including corporate partners such as Casemaker and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.

The Rhode Island Bar Association also concentrates on promoting the legal profession in the local community. Each year, the RIBA puts together several programs for school-age children both in the classroom and outside of school for Law Day in order to educate young students about the legal process. Another way that the Rhode Island Bar Association reaches out to the public is by providing basic legal information on a variety of popular legal topics that are useful in everyday life on its website.

Contact the Rhode Island Bar Association:

115 Cedar Street
Providence, RI 02903

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