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Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association

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Home   /   Tennessee Bar Associations   /   Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association

The Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association (TMAA) was founded in order to provide support to the lawyers working for cities and other municipal governments in Tennessee. The main goals of the TMAA are to improve the legal services that are provided to Tennessee’s municipal governments, to work with the Tennessee Municipal League to solve problems that the municipalities of the state face on a regular basis, and to encourage a sense of community among the municipal lawyers of the state. Regular membership is restricted only to city attorneys and assistant city attorneys, but other lawyers that render legal services to municipal governments are allowed to join as non-voting members.

There are several ways in which the TMAA enhances its members’ professional lives. The Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association makes several helpful documents available online for its members, including various legal practice guides and materials for past continuing legal education classes that the TMAA has hosted. At two different times each year, members are given the opportunity to attend day-long continuing legal education seminars that the Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association tailors to meet the specific educational needs of attorneys working for municipalities.

Contact the Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association:

Nashville, TN 37222-0762

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