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Find a Lawyer Now!The mission of the Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (UACDL) is to ensure the Utah Criminal justice system runs efficiently and criminal defendants’ constitutional protections are upheld. The Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers accomplishes their mission by informing the public about their constitutional rights and providing forums for criminal defense attorneys to collaborate on Utah criminal defense issues.
Members of the UACDL are able to attend a variety of networking and professional development events. These events include CLE seminars, a holiday party, and a golf tournament. Other benefits of UACDL membership include access to a brief bank and committees for specific criminal defense practice areas such as juvenile defense and DUI defense.
Membership in the Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is open to both public defenders and private defense attorneys. Law students are also eligible for membership in the UACDL. To join the Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers you must fill out a brief application and pay an annual due, which varies from $40 for law students, $100 for public defenders, and $150 for private defense attorneys.
Complete the membership intake form here.