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Find a Lawyer Now!The Asian Bar Association of Washington (ABAW) was founded in 1987 and has approximately 200 members. This organization seeks to foster the professional development a of Asian and Pacific Islander attorneys in the state of Washington. The association helps Asian and Pacific Islander attorneys through educational opportunities, community service programs, and by giving these attorneys a voice in Washington.
The Asian Bar Association of Washington provides multiple CLE’s, a membership directory, maintains several committees, and hosts several social events. ABAW operates a mentorship program, a committee dedicated to getting members into judicial office, and offers scholarship opportunities to Asian American law students.
To become a member of ABAW, you must pay annual dues which range between $50 and $100 depending on how many years a potential member has been practicing law. Membership is open to all races and there is no requirement to be of Asian descent.
925 4th Ave., Ste. 2900
Seattle, WA 98104-1158