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Find a Lawyer Now!The GLBT Bar Association of Washington, also known as QLaw, serves as a voice for gay, lesbian, and transgender attorneys in Washington. QLaw also seeks to further the professional development of GLBT attorneys, educate the public on GLBT legal issues, and improve access to the courts for members of the GLBT community.
The GLBT Bar Association of Washington hosts several social events and offers members access to legal resources. The social events hosted are an annual banquet, happy hours, and fundraisers. QLaw participates in the legal community by offering a clinic on the third Thursday of each month designed to help members of the GLBT community understand legal issues they face, but these clinics are open to everyone. The GLBT also operates a mentorship program pairing attorneys with law students to foster professional growth.
Membership in the GLBT Bar Association of Washington is free for law students, a $25 annual due for attorneys practicing for less than five years, and a $50 annual due for attorneys that have practicing for more than five years.
P.O Box 1991
Seattle, Washington 98111