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Find a Lawyer Now!The Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle (MAMAS) was founded in 2006 and currently has over 400 active members. This organizations mission is to assist attorneys who are also mothers to thrive as both lawyers and parents. A unique feature of this organization is that members meet each month and bring their children to these meetings. The meetings are usually held at Kid’s Quest Children Museum.
The Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle also hosts a number of other social events including brown bag lunches, a summer picnic, and annual reception. MAMAS also offers CLE opportunities for members and a mentorship program that pairs law student mothers with mother attorneys.
Membership in this organization is free for law students, and attorney members only need to pay a $10 annual due.
1201 3rd Ave., Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98101-3087
206-516-3899 (phone)
206-516-3883 (fax)