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Find a Lawyer Now!The Northwest Indian Bar Association (NIBA) is a non-profit organization that promotes the professional growth of American-Indian attorneys in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia. Another purpose of NIBA is to ensure that disputes arising out of Indian country are properly resolved.
The Northwest Indian Bar Association publishes articles on Indian law, maintains a tribal referral list so that disputes arising out of Indian Country can be properly resolved, and offers scholarships to qualified law students. NIBA also seeks to provide mentorship opportunities, encourage pro-bono work that helps American-Indians through legal clinics, and represent the interests of Indian attorneys in the Northwest.
Membership in the Northwest Indian Bar Association is free for law students, $35 a year for non-profit sector attorneys, and $50 a year for private sector attorneys. There is no requirement that you be of Indian ancestry to join this organization, but the associations goals are to further the interest of American-Indians.
Northwest Indian Bar Association
611 Main Street, Suite B-1
Edmonds, WA 98020.