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Find a Lawyer Now!The Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association (WDTL)’s mission is to promote the highest standards of integrity, competence, and collegiality among civil defense trial lawyers in Washington. This organization has over twenty private company sponsors including MDE engineers, Premier Realtime, and Northwest Medical Experts.
The WDTL hosts numerous events including a managing partner’s breakfast, judicial dinner, and numerous CLE’s. The Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association maintains a member directory, referral service, drafts amicus briefs, and maintains a career center for employers to post jobs.
To become a member of the WDTL you need to fill out a short application form and pay annual dues. Law student dues are $10, attorneys admitted after September 1, 2007 pay $235, and attorneys admitted prior to August 31, 2007 pay $285.
800 5th Ave., Ste 4141
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 749-0319
(206) 260-2798 Fax