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Washington Employment Lawyers Association

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Home   /   Washington State Bar Associations   /   Washington Employment Lawyers Association

The Washington Employment Lawyers Association (WELA) officially incorporated in 1996, but has been around informally since the 1980’s. The mission of this organization is to ensure labor laws are enforced so employees are treated with dignity and respect. The Washington Employment Lawyers Association maintains several committees, a membership directory, and is a member of the National Labor Relations board.

The Washington Employment Lawyers Association provides many resources for its members including a database of experts, provides an amicus curiae committee, and allows members to create their own profiles. Other benefits of membership include access to CLE’s, social events, and access to Listserv that allows for almost instant feedback from members on employment law issues.

To become a WELA member you must be a licensed attorney whose practice is at least 75% related to employment. The annual dues are $100 for attorneys who have been licensed for less than five years and $200 for attorneys that have been licensed for more than five years.

Contact the Washington Employment Lawyers Association

18 W Mercer St. Suite 400
Seattle WA 98119

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