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Washington Lawyers for the Arts

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Home   /   Washington State Bar Associations   /   Washington Lawyers for the Arts

Washington Lawyers for the Arts (WLA) is a non-profit organization that has been in existence since 1976. The mission of WLA is to make legal services available to artists. To accomplish this mission the organization seeks to provide a bridge between artists and the legal community by offering legal educational opportunities to members of the artistic community in Washington.

WLA operates an Arts Legal Clinic which allows artists to make a 30 minute appointments with member attorneys in numerous cities through Washington. The Washington Lawyers for the Arts also hosts legal workshops, CLE’s, fundraisers, and operates a referral service.

To become a member of the Washington Lawyers for the Arts, attorneys must pay a $50 annual fee and artists must pay a $25 fee.

Contact the Washington Lawyers for the Arts

701 Fifth Ave., Ste. 4100
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 328-7053

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