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Find a Lawyer Now!The Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys (WAWCA) exists to benefit local attorneys in Wisconsin that practice worker’s compensation law. Therefore, the majority of the WAWCA’s members are worker’s compensation lawyers. However, administrative judges that deal in worker’s compensation are also encouraged by the Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys to join.
There are many ways that the WAWCA enhances its members’ professional lives. Attorneys that belong to the Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge on the latest developments in worker’s compensation by attending the continuing legal education seminars that the WAWCA puts together for its members. Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys members have access to several tools and legal forms that the WAWCA provides online to ease the work lives of member lawyers.
Aside from being beneficial to its members, the Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys also strives to help the general public. Each year, the WAWCA grants scholarships to law students that are attending law school in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys also benefits people that are not potential lawyers by providing several informative articles on its website about topics within the scope of worker’s compensation in order that local residents can also become more informed about their rights with regard to worker’s compensation.
900 John Nolen Drive, #120
Madison, WI 53713-1477