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Find a Lawyer Now!Founded in 1983, the Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (WISACCA) strives to be beneficial to the attorneys of Wisconsin that work as in-house counsel for the corporations and other private entities of Wisconsin. The WISACCA is also concerned with being beneficial to the residents of the state. One important way that the Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel gives back to the community is by awarding fellowships to Wisconsin law students that spend their summers doing pro bono work.
The WISACCA primarily focuses on aiding its members in their roles as corporate counsel. Members of the Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel receive a quarterly newsletter that is full of articles on popular topics that affect their legal practice area. Lawyers belonging to the WISACCA are given several opportunities each year to network with one another at various events and social outings, including cocktail parties and professional baseball games.
(262) 255-2117