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Find a Lawyer Now!Established in 1959, the West Virginia Association for Justice (WVAJ) was created to support West Virginia civil litigation attorneys who primarily represent plaintiffs. The West Virginia Association for Justice is dedicated to advocating improvements within the civil judicial system, promoting the professional development of its members, fostering a sense of community among its members, and maintaining high standards of professionalism and ethics within the local legal community. Membership for the West Virginia Association for Justice is open to both lawyers and legal staff.
The West Virginia Association offers a number of valuable perks to its members. For example, members of the West Virginia Association for Justice seeking an expert witness for an upcoming trial can find the right expert through WVAJ’s expert witness bank. Members of the West Virginia Association for Justice can utilize WVAJ’s conference rooms in Charleston for depositions and other work-related purposes.
Aside from benefiting its members, the West Virginia Association for Justice also focuses on educating the general public about the law and judicial system. Community groups and nonprofit organizations can request a speaker from WVAJ’s speakers’ bureau to give presentations on various legal topics. The West Virginia Association for Justice provides a range of online information concerning West Virginia’s legal system.
1614 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25311