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West Virginia Bar Association

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Home   /   West Virginia Bar Associations   /   West Virginia Bar Association

Created in 1886, the West Virginia Bar Association (WVBA) is a voluntary bar association that strives to benefit the whole of West Virginia’s legal community. The West Virginia Bar Association is committed to maintaining a collegial atmosphere among its members, representing the interests of its members to the governmental bodies of West Virginia, and advancing the professional and educational development of its members. As the West Virginia Bar Association is concerned with serving all of the state’s legal community, membership is open to a wide variety of people, including lawyers, judges, law students, law school faculty members, legal assistants and legal nurse consultants.

The West Virginia Bar Association offers several practice tools and other benefits to aid its members’ professional lives. For members seeking new employment, the West Virginia Bar Association lists legal job openings located throughout the state. Members who desire to further their legal education can do so by learning more at the continuing legal education seminars the West Virginia Bar Association puts on throughout the year.

In addition to enhancing its members’ professional lives, WVBA ensures that its members stay connected with one another through several socializing and networking events. Many West Virginia Bar Association practice sections regularly host weekend getaways and conferences. Members stay informed of significant news in West Virginia’s legal profession by reading the WVBA quarterly newsletter.

Contact the West Virginia Bar Association:

Huntington, WV 25722

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